Double Shot of Espresso

Friday, July 29, 2011

Why Raw Photo's...........

I decided, that in my busy world of 5 kids, working full time and going back to school, I would not forget to do the things I love. To hone in on my skills, passions and dreams. One of my longer living dreams is/was to become a famous photographer. Now granted, I am not back in school for photography (although the thought crossed my mind several times and I will be taking "some" classes), but I am happy to say that it is a revived passion that I am using to de stress. I love that it brings out my artistic side, a part of me that has lay dormant for way too long.

This blog? Well, although editing and altering photos can be nice, fun, and really make a picture......I honestly believe that a raw picture, one that has been untouched, can be just as beautiful and breath taking.
So this is my photo gallery of my unedited, untouched, un anything pictures...the way I saw them, see them and LOVE them!

Hope you enjoy the show!